What does this mission statement look like at Woodlands
Through our two different styles of Worship, you will see people are connected to Jesus through an upward relationship with God. You will find the forgiveness of sins through our confession and forgiveness. Individuals will grow closer to Jesus as they hear the word of God read to them and preached to them. They will experience the love of Jesus through the partaking of the bread and wine, body and blood of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sins, the strengthening of faith, and the gift of Eternal life.
We value the growth and discipleship of each believer. Here at Woodlands, you will see people growing together in an inward relationship with each other as they learn to be disciples (lifelong learners of Jesus) who in turn make disciples. Through our Early Learning Center, our small groups, Bible Studies, youth groups, and confirmation, believers work together in learning how to follow Jesus. We are challenged to grow in our walk with Christ, encouraged and served when they stumble, and receive grace when we fall short of the glory of God.
We value seeking out those who are not yet believers. Through Missional Communities, believers and not yet believers come together around a similar purpose. It might be serving a community need, coming alongside those hurting from the aftermath of a hurricane, coaching our youth in sports, or whatever we have in common that unites us. Others will experience the love of God as we work alongside one another.

Our values answer the question of why we do what we do
- Seeking the “Not Yet”: Jesus came to seek the lost. Many still do not know Jesus and it is important for us to reach out to those who are not yet Christians and connect them to Jesus who loves them. (Luke 19:10)
- Sharing God’s Gifts Joyfully and Generously: Everything we have has been given by Him generously. Therefore, we follow His example. (Gen. 12:1-3, Is. 42:1, 6-7)
- Serving Jesus Through Serving Others: Having been saved by Jesus, we are called by Him to serve one another in our spiritual and our physical needs. (Heb. 6:10)
- The Faith of All Generations Matters: It has been said that the church is just one generation away from extinction. For this reason, Woodlands is committed to making disciples of every generation who can, in turn, make disciples. (Prov. 22, Matt. 9:35-38)
- One Family with Jesus: Being connected to Jesus unites us as one family. As a family connected to Jesus, we are united, encouraged, and strengthened by one another. (1 Tim. 3:4, Eph. 6:1-2)