Woodlands Volunteer Clean Up Day

Who: Anyone is welcome to come and help this Saturday.
What: Volunteer clean up day at Woodlands on Saturday, July 20th from 8  AM – Noon.

Outdoor Jobs:
1. Weeding the parking lots.
2. Cleaning up the shrubs by the narthex, on either side of the church, and house.
3. Other tasks as time allows.

Please Bring:
1. Work gloves.
2. Any personal tools that you would like to use. (Tools will be provided otherwise.)
3. Reusable water bottle. (Some water bottles will be available if needed.)

Contact Kevin Sprissler at 610-585-7563

ONE SERVICE – Sunday, July 28, 2024

Who: Celebration of Charlie and Terry Crownover
When: July 28, 2024 at 10 AM
What: Come on Sunday, July 28th at 10 AM to celebrate the 25 years Charlie (and Terry) Crownover have been serving as music director at Woodlands. This will be a special celebration of his ministry before he retires in August.

Contact: The Church Office at 407.469.2525 or at office@woodlandschurch.com with any questions.

OCC – Operation Christmas Child


*For the most needed school supplies and the “cheapest” store to buy them at.*

CLICK Link: OCC – July Items Needed

Some other suggested items are:

  • Erasers
  • Colored Pencils
  • Pencil Sharpeners
  • Blank Index Cards
  • Non-Liquid Glue Sticks
  • Sewing Kits
  • Playing Cards
  • Non-Liquid Watercolor Sets
  • Building Blocks

There are Other Ways to Donate this Year:
– Collection Box in Narthex
– Cash for designated items like:
– WOW Supplies
– Wishlist on Amazon:

Prayers for this year’s collection are always welcome.

Contact: Wendy Snider, Pam Lund or Linda Tillson

Children’s Church Training

When: August 11, 2024 from 10 AM – 10:45 AM
Where: Meet in the Conference Room in the back of the Sanctuary.
What: DCE Betsy will have a training meeting for anyone who is interested in leading Children’s Church (those who have not led before – not for existing volunteers). Individuals lead once every 2-3 months. If you are interested but not able to make it, please let Betsy know.
Contact: DCE Betsy at dce@woodlandschurch.com

NOTE: We especially need individuals for the 11am service.