Woodlands Lutheran Church is here for you. It is not just a building; it is a fellowship of believers coming together as a community to declare the grace of God, share the love of Jesus, and to celebrate Jesus as Savior and King.

We sing contemporary worship songs lead by our In God We Trust Worship Band. We pray, we sing, and we hear God’s Word. The Lord’s Supper is offered every Sunday of the month.

We sing hymns accompanied by the organ and follow the liturgy. The Lord’s Supper is offered every Sunday of the month.

For adults and children of all ages. Come and grow with others as we learn the timeless scriptures.



Woodlands Lutheran Church is here for you. It is not just a building; it is a fellowship of believers coming together as a community to declare the grace of God, share the love of Jesus, and equip and encourage one another as we connect people to Jesus.

We study God’s Word, practice what we learn, and in the process grow together. We make disciples who in turn make disciples of Jesus. May God richly bless you!

We are part of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the Florida/Georgia District. Even as our world changes, the Word of God remains the same, and together we proclaim this truth here and throughout the world in mission work, disaster response, universities, seminaries and especially in our congregations. True joy is found in the Good News that God is for you. We rejoice in this! We vigorously make known the love of Christ and Connect people to Jesus.

We invite you to take a closer look at how we connect people to Jesus through our vision: Worship, Learn, and Connect; and also take a look at our Values to understand why we do what we do! We hope to see you soon.


Woodlands Lutheran Church is a Christian Church that seeks to connect people to Jesus. Our purpose is to make disciples who make disciples. We are a part of a larger community of churches called The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod who seeks to join God on His mission of redeeming His people through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Below is some helpful information sharing what we believe about God and the Bible.


Everything Lutherans believe comes from the Bible, God’s message of love and hope for all people. The Bible is the written Word of God, handed down to us in order to point us to the truth that we are saved from our sin and eternal death by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe that the Bible is completely reliable and without error. In it we learn everything we need to know about God’s love and His gifts to us.


There is only one true God — the Triune God — who exists in three separate but equal persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

God the Father is our maker and the creator of all things. By the Father’s word, all things were made, and we are His most beloved creation; we are closest to His heart. The Son is Jesus Christ, who came to earth as the perfect “go-between” between God and humanity. He has redeemed us and is the voice to the Father on our behalf. The Holy Spirit calls us to believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior, keeps us in the one true faith, and equips us for living out our faith. He is the whisper in our heart’s ear.


We all fall short of God’s expectations because we are all born “sinful”— and we aren’t talking about “sinfully” rich desserts, we’re talking about the serious side of sin. Sin can be summed up as all the things we say, think, do, and don’t do, that fall outside of God’s holy will for our lives and end up separating us from God.

Sin was brought into world when Satan lured the first people God created, Adam and Eve, into temptation through their own free will and weakness, breaking the perfect relationship between God and us. From that point on, sin became part of our very existence. Because God also demands perfect obedience, our ultimate punishment became death.

Yet God is a loving God whose will is not for us to live in eternal punishment. That’s why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to live the perfect life He requires and to become our substitute. Christ never sinned — not even once — and then He took our sin upon Himself and died on the cross on our behalf. When we believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior, He bears our sin and gives us His forgiveness.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John3:16).


There is absolutely nothing we can do to “be saved” — Jesus Christ has already done everything necessary. In His death and resurrection, everyone who believes in Jesus as Savior has been brought back into a right relationship with God. That means that, on account of Jesus, everyone who believes is “justified,” or declared innocent by God. God has done justice to the world’s sins; because of Jesus, all who believe are forgiven and will live eternally.

We do not cooperate in our salvation and there is nothing we could ever present to God to make our way into eternal life with Him — not money or even good works. Neither can we really feel it or prove it. We cannot reason our way to salvation, nor can we earn it. All we can do is to believe in Him, trusting that all that is necessary has been done for us through Jesus.


It is through faith in Jesus that we receive the forgiveness of sins and eternal life — by believing that He has freed us from the guilt, punishment, and power of sin. Faith is a gift worked in us by the power of the Holy Spirit; it doesn’t come to us through anything we are capable of, but through what God does for us. We simply receive what is already being offered out of God’s great love.


Lutherans often refer to grace. The word itself might remind you of the grace period you are given when paying bills — when your debt can be paid without further penalty. God’s grace is even more wonderful; that’s why it’s called “amazing grace.” While we deserved to pay the penalty for our sins, God had a different plan. Christ paid the debt and we receive forgiveness and eternal life from Him that is offered out of unconditional love. It’s called grace because it is truly undeserved.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8–9). God has provided tangible ways through which He delivers His grace to those who believe, assuring us that the sins we commit are forgiven for Jesus’ sake. These are called the “means of grace” and are God’s Word, holy Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). Through these means, God makes Himself known to us in very personal ways: God’s Word reveals His faithfulness and love; Baptism is our rebirth and renewal in Jesus; the Lord’s Supper is our closest communion with Christ as we receive His body and blood.


Since there is nothing we can ever do to earn salvation, we do not do good works in order to be saved; good works are done out of praise and thanks because we are saved. Such good works include, but are certainly not limited to, serving and caring for the needs of others, honoring and giving respect to those in authority, honoring our vows and commitments, and generally doing what is considered by many to be good and right. It’s often said that Martin Luther expressed it this way: God doesn’t need our good works, but our neighbor does.


On Judgment Day — we don’t know when — Jesus Christ is going to return. On that day, everyone who has died will be raised and those who are still alive will be bodily transformed. At that time, the final judgment will take place. Those who do not believe will go into eternal damnation in hell and all those who believe in Jesus as Savior will have eternal life in heaven.

If You Would Like to Know More . . . .
Get in-depth information on The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

© Copyright 2005 by Lutheran Hour Ministries, Used by Permission.



Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.



Pastor Josh’s mission in life is that others come to know the love and joy of Jesus. This same love that transformed him in his youth, he shares in his life with his wife and 6 children, the people he works with, and those he cares for. He encourages people and empowers them to use their gifts for the ministry God has called us all to be a part of, connecting people to Jesus. Pastor Josh has always been one willing to learn and put the right people around him for kingdom work at hand. Pastor Josh has been serving as a pastor since 2014. He started his ministry as a youth and family pastor at his first call. He served as a youth and family pastor for three years before receiving a call as Senior Pastor here.



Pastor Bob has served the LCMS for over 41 years in various mission endeavors – starting in 1981 as a missionary to Liberia, West Africa, serving there as a church planter and leadership trainer to the Kisi people as well as serving the Liberian mission field as the Missionary Counselor for the LCMS. Other roles for Pastor Bob have included, serving as Area Secretary for Africa, Europe, and the Middle East for LCMS World Mission, Executive Director of Lutheran Bible Translators, Executive Director of LCMS World Mission, and church planter for the English District of the LCMS. He has also served as Senior Pastor for two LCMS congregations, Zion, in Westwood, NJ, and Peace, in O’Fallon, MO. Finally, Pastor Bob has served the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) as a mission leader at various levels. Most recently, he served as the National Pastoral Counselor for the LWML from 2013-2017. Connecting people to Jesus and equipping others to do the same is his passion. If you would like to talk more about this or anything else, feel free to contact him at 407.469.2525 or through email at pastorbob@woodlandschurch.com.



November 20, 1936 – May 27, 2024

Milan Gene Weerts was born November 20, 1936 in Norfolk, Nebraska and baptized one month later on December 20. He grew up a farm boy, educated in a one-room schoolhouse, and later attended high school in Meadow Grove, Nebraska. He began his studies for the pastoral ministry in 1953 at St. John’s Academy in Winfield, Kansas having left high school after his junior year. He also attended St. John’s Junior College before entering Concordia College and Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1958 he began the first of two summer vicarages at Immanuel Lutheran in Pensacola, Florida. This is also where he first met the love of his life, Marjorie Schmitt, who happened to be the organist at Immanuel Lutheran. They were married on August 20, 1959. Later they would adopt two children, James Andrew and Sara Elizabeth.

After serving a full year vicarage at Trinity Lutheran in Panama City, Florida and Ascension Lutheran in Marianna, Florida, Milan returned to the seminary and graduated with a Master of Divinity degree in 1961. He was also awarded a Doctor of Ministry degree from Pittsburg Theological Seminary in 1990.

Milan’s first Call was to Our Savior Lutheran in Zephyrhills, Florida in 1961. While there, he helped establish Christ Lutheran in Brooksville, Florida. His next Call was to Our Savior Lutheran in St. Petersburg, Florida serving there for 15 years. The following 10 years were devoted to Trinity Lutheran in Orlando, Florida. Wherever the Call was needed, Milan responded. Fellow Woodlands Lutheran Pastor Brian Kneser states that “The Lord gave to Milan  the same attitude towards ministry that he gave to Isaiah when the prophet responded to the Lord’s Call for service by declaring, ‘Here I am! Send me!’” Milan indeed shouted ‘Here I am! Send me!’ when he answered a Call to St. Paul Lutheran in Janesville, Wisconsin from 1988 to 1999. His final five years of ministry, before his retirement in 2004, were spent back in Florida as Executive Director of Woodlands Lutheran Camp and Retreat Center in Montverde.

Even in his “retirement” years, Milan responded to the Lord’s Calling as he was the Interim Senior Pastor at three congregations: Grace Lutheran in  Winter Haven, Florida (2004-2006); Trinity Lutheran in Jefferson City, Missouri (2006-2007); and Faith Lutheran in Eustis, Florida (2007-2008). In September 2008, Milan began serving as the Assistant to the Pastor at Woodlands Lutheran in Montverde where he blessed the congregation with his servant-heart and vast biblical insight. He was later recognized as Pastor Emeritus.

Milan’s willingness to serve the Lord extended well beyond the pastoral ministry. He responded ‘Here I am! Send me!’ when presented with many opportunities to serve the Florida-Georgia and South Wisconsin districts. Among those were the following: District Director for Ambassadors for Christ, Chairman of District Pastoral Conferences, member of the District Board of Directors, Chairman of the Convention Committee for two conventions, Chairman of the Woodlands Lutheran Camp Committee, Circuit Evangelism Representative, Circuit Counselor, Chairman of the South Wisconsin District Family Life Committee, District Coordinator of the International Interim Ministry, Chairman of the District Advisory Stewardship Council, and an advisory pastoral delegate to the LCMS convention. He was also trained by the LCMS to conduct Assimilation and Dialog Evangelism workshops and was also trained by the Transforming Churches Network as a Certified Church Consultant for the Synod.

In the community Milan was a police chaplain for the Orlando Police Department for four years. He served as a board member for several mental health clinics and was named the first president of The Florida State Association of District Mental Health Boards. He also served a term on the Governor’s Committee for the Employment of the Handicapped. He served on the board of directors for Luther High School, including two terms as chairman. He was also a board member at the Orlando Christian Service Center and chairman of the Family Life Counseling Center Advisory Committee. Milan also served on a prison ministry team as a member of the board of Xodus and participated in at least eight retreats at the Lake County Correctional Institute which helped prepare inmates for their eventual release and re-entry into society.

Milan was also a college professor, serving as an instructor in Old Testament for Luther Bible College in Rockford, Illinois.

Milan even found the time for travel abroad, often teaching as he toured. His travels took him to both Eastern and Western Europe, Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Kenya, Egypt, Turkey, and Greece. He also led eight tours to the Holy Land. He enjoyed experiencing many diverse cultures, customs, and food.

Pastor Brian Kneser cites the hymn, Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying, in which the first stanza concludes with the question, “Who will answer gladly saying, ‘Here am I, send me, send me’”? One answer to that question is Milan. The Lord truly smiled upon His Church by giving to us His willing servant- our partner and leader in ministry for over 60 years- Milan Gene Weerts.



Betsy Burnham has over 14 years’ experience as a DCE, working with children, youth and their families. She has served at congregations in the Bay Area of CA and the Twin Cities area of MN before joining Woodlands to work with youth and children. Some of her favorite parts of ministry are getting to know families and watching the children and youth grow in their knowledge of God’s love for them. Events like the National Youth Gathering are also highlights. Betsy loves music, traveling and Disney. She may be reached at 407.469.2525 or through email at dce@woodlandschurch.com.



Andie has been working in preschools for over 10 years. She taught in the classroom for several years in Colorado before becoming a director, and while she misses being in the classroom every day, she now enjoys her role as director, getting to know each of the ELC families, and working so closely with the teachers to provide high-quality Christian education. Andie loves the great outdoors, the mountains, and the beach! 



Mr. Crownover has led a number of music groups, including our In God We Trust Worship Band, Men’s Quartet, Men’s Choir, and Brass Quartet. His vision for music ministry is to encourage people to express their Christian life, gratitude and worship through music. He is a member of CCLI, BMI, and SGA. Mr. Crownover also serves as our music teacher for the Woodlands Early Learning Center. While his Bachelor’s Degree is in psychology, Charles also completed post-graduate work in Education and obtained an Orff Schulwerk certification in music. Charles brings 45 years of experience in professional music performance and songwriting  to his position. He loves introducing our children to the world of music. Charles may be reached at 407.469.2525 or through email at music@woodlandschurch.com. Visit his website: CharlesCrownover.com to hear his music.



Eric Heumann, Music Director, is a composer, pianist, organist, and music educator. His compositions, which often invoke sacred music subjects, have received notable awards, honors, and many performances across the United States. Of special note, Eric’s orchestral work, The War in Heaven (2019), was premiered by The Florida Orchestra in February 2022, and The Final Judgment (2022) was premiered by The Bach Festival Society of Winter Park in February 2023. Additionally, Eric’s recent solo organ work, In Memoriam A.C. (2021), has received multiple honors, including winning the 2022 Chattanooga American Guild of Organists Young Composers’ Competition. This piece was also selected for SCI Region II’s 2022 annual conference. As a pianist and organist, Eric has been playing regularly at churches for over 15 years and currently plays for Woodlands’ traditional services while also directing their choir and handbells. Eric holds a PhD in music composition with a cognate in sacred music from the University of Florida, a MM in music composition from the University of Houston, and a BA in music from Rollins College.











Executive Committee

Norm Rein

Vice Chair
Jeff Jacobson

Chandler Shiley

Other Board Members

Christine Gaines

David James

Cindy Lawing

Clinton Lowe

Bill Price

Our Elders

  • Rodney Bell
  • Ron Gaines
  • Jim Geiger
  • Michael Imler
  • Clinton Lowe
  • Paul Lund
  • Gary Macey
  • Bill Price
  • Larry Queen
  • Norman Rein
  • Larry Rosenwinkel
  • Lee Scott
  • Mark Snider
  • Wayne Varga
  • Craig Watkins
  • Bill Wood (chair)